Suffering from PCOD? Whether you are suffering from PCOD or know someone who is suffering from PCOD, then this article could be of great benefit to you. PCOD brings along a lot of health inconvenience for women and this leads to experimenting a lot of treatments on their health. The usually resort to those treatments that are quick and gives them faster result. Though these might give them permanent relief but the effect won’t last for longer.
Treatment for PCOD is not curative. Treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and managing the condition to prevent complications. The treatment will vary from woman to woman, depending on specific symptoms.
A healthy diet and regular exercise is recommended for all women with PCOD, particularly those who are overweight. This can help to regulate your menstrual cycle and lower your blood glucose levels.
Women who don’t want to become pregnant may be prescribed birth control pills. These can help treat acne, regulate the menstrual cycle, and lower levels of male hormones, such as testosterone, in the body. If a woman with PCOD is suffering from infertility, fertility drugs may be administered to aid in ovulation.
Anti-androgens are drugs that reduce male hormone levels. These can help stop excess hair growth and reduce acne. Diabetes medications may also be prescribed to lower blood glucose and testosterone levels.
Surgery may be recommended for some women with PCOD. Ovarian drilling is a procedure used by doctors for the same. This is a short-term solution that can promote ovulation and reduce male hormone levels.
Homeopathic treatment is positively recommended in management of PCOD. Since period during PCOD is often scanty and less, the ovaries are enlarged with cysts filled fluids in them. It makes your period irregular and painful. Also the ratio of your hormones get disturbed badly which makes life really difficult for women.
Health Total provides with the best results by combining Ayurveda and Homeopathy treatment for women suffering from PCOD.  The treatment aims at correction of hormones by helping you release your hormones at regular intervals and keeping your weight under control. The treatment is safe sans side-effects and gives you a result that lasts for a lifetime. The secret is out and waiting right there for you. Keep PCOD at bay by simply coming to Health Total.
16 ways to energize your body

We need energy to work, walk, talk, eat, and carry out our daily activities. But low energy levels can leave us feeling lethargic an weak. So don’t let your low energy stop you from doing the things you want. Here are 17 effective ways to energize and rejuvenate your body.
Detoxify your liver
If you want to experience high energy levels, you need to have a liver that functions optimally. The liver is the main organ that metabolizes fat and is involved in the cleansing of toxins and purifying your blood.
You need to detoxify your liver with the help of herbs and the right foods. Wheat-grass juice is a highly potent liver cleanser. Some Ayurvedic herbs that help in cleansing include Bhringraj, Kakmachi, and Kumari. However, since you would need to consult your Ayurvedic doctor before taking them, you could give our Ayurvedic experts a call on our toll free number 18002660607 right away!.
Improve your digestion
If you have a poor digestion, you need to improve your digestion by using the right herbs and the right diet. Ayurvedic herbs like suntha, pippli, kutaj, and bilva help improve digestion. They promote better assimilation, which lead to better energy levels.
Avoid antibiotics and junk food
If you constantly consume junk foods, chances are your intestines would be lacking the sufficient quantities of friendly bacteria. Take lactobacillus acidophilus in the form of yoghurt or in supplemental form. It will help you restore the balance and improve the bacterial
Be a water baby
Most of us seem to forget to drink sufficient water. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger most of the time. Drink at least ten to twelve glasses of water daily. It helps balance electrolytes, cleanse the kidneys and re-hydrates our cells. Without sufficient water the cleansing action will be incomplete.
Have a good night’s sleep
There is no substitute for adequate sleep. No amount of correct foods or vitamins can help us feel energetic enough if we are not getting that everyday quota of 6-7 hours of sleep.
Avoid stimulants
Alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine provide temporary stimulation. They whip the body to work harder and cause chronic fatigue when used over a period of time.
Eat food that is closest to its natural form
Eat whole grains like jowar, bajra, brown rice, whole pulses, whole fruits, nuts and seeds. Packed with the goodness of nature, they energize the system. When we consume refined food, stripped of all their nutrients, they hardly provide us with any nourishment.
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Control Stress
Needless to say stress tends to zap your energy. Correct food choices help the body handle stress better. Practising meditation and pranayama will also contribute significantly.
Eat sprouts in the raw form
Sprouts consumed in their raw form increase the nutritional value of the food and it is an excellent way to boost energy levels naturally.
Take B-Vitamins Supplements
A lack of the B-Complex vitamins leads to chronic fatigue. Your body needs B vitamins to convert the nutrients from the food into energy. Food and vitamins work in harmony to make you more energetic. They act as catalysts in various metabolic reactions that create, convert and store energy in the body.
The entire B-complex protects the nerves and increases energy level.  Food cannot be converted into glucose and utilized when there is a deficiency of the B-Vitamins. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) converts carbohydrates into usable energy. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) helps release the stored energy. It is also used as a component of several enzymes to metabolize fats.
Vitamin B 6 converts protein and glycogen into energy, which can be used by the muscles. Folic acid and Vitamin B 12 are required to manufacture red blood cells, which boost the oxygen carrying capacity of the body and are therefore directly connected to the energy levels.
Natural dietary sources of the B-Vitamins are whole grain cereals, leafy vegetables, unpolished rice, banana, yeast, peas, dals and pulses.
Avoid taking tranquillizers
They put you to sleep but do not reduce fatigue. On the contrary, they make you feel more lethargic, dull and cloud your thinking process. Smoking, eating more sugar, drinking more coffee and alcohol give you a temporary boost, but later on make you feel worse than before.
Get moving
Increase your activity level by exercising for 40 minutes regularly (don’t overdo it as it can work the reverse for you).  The best form of exercise would be a brisk walk, a sport, swimming or jogging on the treadmill.
Limit your sugar intake
Sugar may give you the instant energy you need but in the long run it reduces your life span and makes you tired more easily.
Wheat and dairy products are difficult to digest and cause fatigue
Try eliminating them form your diet gradually and see if your energy increases. However, make sure you substitute them with brown rice, bajra roti and take other sources of calcium like leafy vegetables and soybeans.
Drink a glass of raw vegetable juice daily
They will help increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and improve energy levels. Here are a few health promoting juice options:
  1. 2 tomatoes + 1 carrot + 1 beetroot
  2. ½ bunch coriander leaves + ¼ bunch mint leaves + 1 lime juice
  3. 1 Cucumber + 1 carrot + 1 beetroot
  4. Dudhi juice (300 to 400gm)
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Turmeric is a quintessential ingredient in every Indian kitchen. Apart from adding flavor to food, this spice provides numerous health benefits, including weight loss.
In fact, it is the primary and commonly added spice in most Indian dishes. A pinch of this yellow-colored spice, not only enhances the taste of the food but also brings a rich color to the preparation. Besides, turmeric paste, when applied to the affected skin area, offers a medicinal remedy and helps heal it naturally. Regular intake of turmeric has a lot of peculiar health benefits. Turmeric helps us lose weight naturally while providing us with numerous benefits.

Helps Prevents Cancer

Turmeric comprises active compounds that prevent the formation of prostate cancer or curb the growth of existent cancer cells. Another significant advantage of eating turmeric is that it helps reduce T-cell leukemia, colon carcinomas, and breast carcinomas. So, in addition to weight loss, you get a lot more benefits from turmeric.

Relief from Arthritis

If you are suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, then regular consumption of turmeric will help to heal the condition. Include turmeric in your daily food plan to get relief from joint pains as well as inflammation. This health benefit of turmeric is extremely useful for elderly. Further, it helps you manage your weight naturally.

Managing Diabetes 

Regular consumption of turmeric stabilizes the insulin level in the blood apart from helping you with weight loss. In fact, people suffering from diabetes must consume turmeric along with their prescribed medications to get quick and efficient results. However, it is best to discuss with a physician before including turmeric in your daily food plan.

Manages Cholesterol Levels

A pinch of turmeric in your daily food plan helps reduce high cholesterol levels in the body. A stable cholesterol level helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Thus eating turmeric every day has significant advantages for people suffering from obesity. In addition to healthy weight loss, you will derive many other health benefits from turmeric.

Boosts Immunity

Rich in lipopolysaccharide, turmeric helps improve the immune system. Turmeric features antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which offer numerous health benefits to the body. Stronger immunity ensures protection from cold, cough, and flu. Turmeric is one of those medicinal ingredients that have been an essential part of your granny’s home-based remedies. Turmeric when mixed with a glass of milk and consumed before sleeping help to cure fever and cough. The best part is that the same remedy works wonderfully for healthy weight loss as well.

Cures Wounds

Another important medicinal health benefit of turmeric is its antiseptic properties. Sprinkle or apply turmeric paste to burns and cuts to ensure a speedy recovery. Turmeric has miraculous effects on the ski and can be used with curd or milk to fight acne and bring back the glow. Further, turmeric is used to treat psoriasis and several other inflammatory skin problems.

Aids Weight Loss

If you are following a weight loss food plan, then ensure that turmeric is an important part of the schedule. Intake of turmeric helps to increase the bile flow, which helps to break down dietary fat. This health benefit of turmeric not only helps shed those extra fats but also helps improve the overall health of the body.

Prevents Liver Problems

A teaspoon of turmeric helps detoxify the liver naturally. Turmeric helps production of enzymes that ensure break down and reduction of toxins. Moreover, it helps improve blood circulation, providing a healthy liver. All this helps in healthy weight loss.

Controls Heartburn

Turmeric has medicinal properties that help control heartburn. Whenever you experience acidity or heartburn after having a hearty meal ensure you drink turmeric milk, or consume a teaspoon of turmeric with water.
Turmeric has long-lasting remedial effects on the body. Make sure you have a pinch of turmeric to gain the best health benefits out of this powerful herb.

We humans have very little control over the problems that surround us. However, we can definitely rev up our machinery to tackle these problems better. We cannot re-locate to the Himalayas to get away from these toxins but we can definitely detoxify our body.
The most effective way to clean your body of all those unwanted toxins is to detoxify your system. Detoxification helps in deep cleansing and aids in effective weight loss.
Here are 4 simple ways to detoxify your body and enjoy a healthy future:
  1. Foods that Detox Your Body
  2. Massaging the body
  3. Exercise helps in detox
  4. De-stress and remove negative emotions
Foods that Detox Your Body
Foods are one of the best ways to detoxify your body in order to help you lose weight, boost energy, and gain health. There are a lot of commonly available foods that can help to detoxify the liver.
a) Chlorophyll Rich Foods
b) Cleansing Foods & Herbs
a) Chlorophyll Rich Foods: Cholera, Spirulina & Wheatgrass
Chlorella is a round shaped, single cell organism which is extremely rich in chlorophyll. They have a strong green colored pigment which reflects the fact that they are loaded with chlorophyll.
It has many vitamins and minerals and all of the essential amino acids.
Spirulina is a spiral, multi-cell organism. It is very rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and both omega 3 & 6 fatty acids.
Both of these superfoods are high in protein and antioxidants and extremely good in absorbing heavy metals and other toxins.
Just like Chlorella and Spirulina, Wheatgrass contains Chlorophyll. It is loaded with nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, vitamin A, Vitamin K and vitamin C. It has almost 17 amino acids and is a rich source of protein. It is a potent detoxifier that neutralizes toxic substances with enzymes and cleanse the body of heavy metals and other unwanted substances.
A single glass of wheatgrass juice and alfalfa seeds contain chlorophyll, which acts as a liver tonic.
b) Cleansing Foods and Herbs: Garlic and Deep colored vegetables
Garlic has an active ingredient, a sulfur compound named Allicin. It increases the primary healing properties of garlic. Garlic helps prevent or at least reduce the severity of common cold and the flu, lowers blood pressure, lowers LDLcholesterol, and is an antioxidant. It is also antibacterial & antifungal. It binds heavy metals and helps us to detox. Try eating 3 or more cloves each day. Always wait 10 minutes or so after cutting or crushing the garlic to cook it or eat it raw to allow the allicin to form.
Try opting for deeply coloured vegetables. Carrots and beets are extremely beneficial, as they contain antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and carotenoids, which have a healing and cleansing effect on the liver.
2.Massaging the body
Self-massaging your body with warm sesame oil is a very good way to promote circulation and maximize your detox effects.
3.Exercise helps in detox
Exercising is another way of eliminating toxins in our body. Here the detoxification happens through the skin. However, people go to extremes in their attempt to detoxify, which is a concern. Occasionally, on learning about detoxification, people fast more than they should, taking enemas and exercising excessively. Soon, they begin to lose essential nutrients from their body. This can cause protein, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies. The point that is being made here is that, while excessive intake of wrong foods can lead to the formation of toxins, excessive detoxification is equally harmful.

Oily foods should be avoided since fried stuff triggers heartburn. Any high-fat milkshakes, cheese generously spread on bread, fried rice, biryanis, etc. should be avoided as well.  Such foods delay gastric emptying as a result of which they stay longer in the stomach than low-fat foods.  This results in them flowing up into the esophagus, which causes heartburn.
Raw onions are known to aggravate heartburn and if suffering from this malady should be avoided. Citrus fruits, as well as tomatoes, are known to irritate the food pipe which sets off a burning sensation and this is the reason why many people feel uneasy if they gulp down a fresh juice or tomato juice. Garam masala a must in many recipes should be avoided by acidic patients. Alcohol allows the acids in your stomach to be pushed upwards by relaxing the esophageal orifice. It is advised that we all try our best to stay away from a drink just before going to bed. White bread causes gas bloating and constipation as it contains maida and this triggers heartburn. For those suffering from heart burns, chocolates are a definite no.

Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diabetes diet plan. For most people, a diabetes diet simply translates into eating a variety of low cal but nutrient dense foods in moderate amounts and adhering to regular mealtimes.

The Right Food Plan

The right diabetes meal plan should fit into your schedule while helping you improve your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol numbers and help keep your weight on track. People with diabetes have to take extra care to make sure that their food is balanced with insulin and oral medications, and exercise to help manage their blood glucose levels.
People with diabetes can eat the same food the family enjoys. However, it may take some planning to fit your favorite food into your meal plan and still manage your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. There is no one perfect food so including a variety of different foods and watching portion sizes is key to a healthy diabetic diet. Healthy eating includes eating a wide variety of foods including the following:
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Non-fat dairy products
  • Beans
  • Lean Meats
  • Poultry
  • Fish

Eat This, Not That!

Glucose is a sugar released from carbohydrate. Thus, if we want to control blood sugar we have to limit the consumption of simple carbohydrate. Fiber is extremely important for keeping blood sugar stable. Since fluctuating, blood sugar levels can cause feelings of hunger, irritability and low energy. Make sure you load up on high-fiber foods such as
  • Whole grain chapattis
  • Whole wheat pasta & bread
  • brown rice
  • Green vegetables
Some people who have diabetes use the glycemic index to select foods, especially carbohydrates. Foods with a high glycemic index are associated with greater increases in blood sugar than are foods with a low glycemic index. However, low-index foods aren’t necessarily healthier as foods that are high in fat tend to have lower glycemic index values than of some healthier options. Many factors affect the glycemic-index value of a specific food, including how the food is prepared and what’s eaten with it.

There are many things today that challenge our digestive system. Mouth-watering delicacies dangling in attractive menus of top restaurants are more than enough to drag us towards them. However, food, edible colors, food chemicals, processing chemicals, additives, and preservatives served by these restaurants coupled with little or no exercise, working late, being sleepless, and facing constant stress have resulted in bad maintenance of our digestive systems.
Symptoms of indigestion
Symptoms of indigestion include belching, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, burning sensation after eating food, nausea, joint pain, muscle pain, and weakness. These symptoms could be due to a disorder in the stomach or the intestine.
Causes of indigestion
Certain food and beverages such as alcohol, colas, coffee, fried foods, maida-based foods, spicy and greasy foods, and preserved foods can cause indigestion since they irritate the digestive tract. Liver problems, gall stones, ulcers, and lack of friendly bacteria are other causes. Psychological factors also contribute to indigestion.
Stress and digestion
Stress, anxiety, and anger can disturb digestion. Indigestion can sometimes be caused by insufficient (HCL) hydrochloric acid in the stomach. HCL is required for digestion of food such as fish, chicken, and meat. HCL levels decline with age. Therefore, older people suffer frequently from indigestion.
Testing sufficiency of HCL
To test sufficiency HCL in our stomach, we need to take a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar after meals. If this helps our digestion, it means we need more stomach acids. If this makes us feel worse, it means we have sufficient levels or may be too much HCL in our stomach. In such a scenario, we must avoid vinegar and lime. If food is not digested properly, it ferments, producing hydrogen and carbon dioxide, causing gas and bloating. Food such as grains and pulses are difficult to digest and cause bloating.
Indigestion and Heart Burn 
Do you often experience a sharp pain in your chest? Think twice before assuming that you might be suffering from some serious cardiac issues. In fact, there are more frequent chances of it being a simple case of acid reflux.
What is Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a condition in which the acids (digestive juices) in the stomach moves up into the esophagus (food pipe) through an action known as reflux. Acid reflux is also known as esophageal reflux disease (GERD).
When does it develop
Acid reflux develops when the food in the stomach is not digested properly by the liquid content (acid) and enzymes. Different people experience different symptoms for instance. Some people get the feeling that food is stuck behind the breast bone, others experience heart burn which can be released by antacids. Some experience nausea after eating, difficulty in following, frequent sore throat. Drinking too much alcohol, obesity, pregnancy, smoking and overeating may cause worsening of the symptoms. Eating too much, too fast consuming greasy food and stress may also cause indigestion, heart burn or acid reflux
Medicines can worsen heart burns
Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux can be brought on or made worse by certain medications. If you suspect that one of your medications may be causing heartburn, talk to your doctor. Never change or stop a medication suddenly, without talking to your doctor. If you are taking antacids avoid taking them more than thrice a week.